The University of Toledo and Toledo Technology Academy (TTA) of Engineering created a program that assists local high school junior students, who are already planning to attend The University of Toledo’s College of Engineering in a specified engineering major upon high school graduation, and jump starts his/her degree in the engineering major of their choice.
- Affiliated with 1 of 8 such mandatory programs in the country (a prestigious program).
- A mandatory co-op program means you are guaranteed to be placed in a work experience (co-
op) specific to your major.
- The UT College of Engineering has a mandatory co-op program for the Engineering Sciences and
if you are going into the Engineering Technology majors you can co-op too (not mandatory for
the technology majors).
- Work with a co-op advisor who assists you in a co-op placement and a full-time job upon
- The opportunity to attend 2 career fairs per year (co-op/full time job search) with a large array
of employers to apply to and interview with.
- Books, tuition and fees are paid for through TPS College Credit Plus
- Not offered by any other district - exclusive to TTA of Engineering only.
- Student is a dual student during senior year of high school (UT Campus; TTA of Engineering).
- Student finishes first year of their chosen engineering major (you’re not just taking CCP gen. ed.
- After graduation attend UT as a sophomore status in your major.
- Able to go out on Co-op Experiences sooner, therefore offsetting semester tuition costs sooner.
- ELITE students graduate from college a year sooner than normal.
- Must enroll in Toledo Technology Academy of Engineering for your senior year.
- 24 Math ACT Score Minimum.
- 3.6 unweighted GPA minimum.
- Helpful if you have taken pre-calc but not necessary.
- A 250-word essay “What I know and like about (your chosen major) Engineering” prepared for
your interview.
- Final decision is based on several metrics: Interview, essay, ACT Score, and GPA.