New Student/Parent Information


Greetings Incoming TTA families,

As we get ready for the start of the school year, here are are some important reminders and events for the upcoming school year:

  • Mandatory New Student Orientation- August 12-14 (8:00AM- 3:00 PM)

    All new incoming students are required to be here all 3 days. 

  • Because students will be participating in labs, we ask that they wear long khaki pants and closed toe shoes. No jeans or shorts.

  • They may wear a solid polo on the 12th. A TTA polo will be given to them on the first day of orientation.

  • We will be providing hot dogs for lunch as well as gluten free / vegetarian options. Students are welcome to bring a snack lunch with them.

  • Mandatory New Parent MeetingsAug 13 (3:30 PM to 5:30 PM) and Aug 14 (5-7PM)

    • We need at least one parent in attendance for this meeting.

    • Please use the link below to pick a specific date and time to attend.

    • For additional information about the event and to register, please use the following link-TTA New Parent Meeting Sessions

  • Uniform order

    • Orders placed will be in by the first week of school.

    • If you have any questions, please email Mr. Nickoli at [email protected]

  • Lockers should be assigned during Orientation but students do not need to bring in all their supplies during Orientation days. They only need a notebook and a pen/pencil until regular classes start. 

  • School Supplies-

No school for students on August 15 and 16

Regular school hours (8:00 am-3:45 pm) starts on Monday, Aug 19 for all students. 

We are looking forward to seeing all our TTA students!


Best Regards